
User Guide

Duke is a desktop application for keeping track of tasks, deadlines, events and supports keeping track of loans given/taken, optimized for use via a Command Line Interface (CLI), while still having the benefits of a Graphical User Interface (GUI). If you can type fast, Duke can help you get your goals achieved faster than traditional GUI applications.



Showing all tasks - list

Lists all tasks that the user has

Example of usage:


Expected outcome:

list expected outcome

All results shown. In this case, user has 3 tasks (1 todo, 1 event, 1 deadline)

Creating a ToDo - todo

Creates a Todo task


todo taskname

Example of usage:

todo bake cake

Expected outcome:

todo expected outcome

Creating an Event - event

Creates an Event


event description /at date time

Example of usage:

event 24km marathon /at 2022-12-12 1800

Expected outcome:

event expected outcome

Creating a Deadline - deadline

Creates a Deadline


deadline description /by date time

Example of usage:

deadline CS2103T IP /by 2022-09-17 2359

Expected outcome:

deadline expected outcome

Marking a Task - mark

Marks a Task as done


mark index

Example of usage:

mark 6

Expected output:

mark expected outcome

Unmarking a Task - unmark

Marks a task as not done yet


unmark index

Example of usage:

unmark 6

Expected output:

unmark expected outcome

Find a Task - find

Finds all tasks that match the search input pattern


find searchInput

Example of usage:

find recess week

Expected output:

Only if recess week exists as a task in your list!

find expected outcome

Deletes a Task - delete

Deletes a task from the list


delete index

Example of usage:

delete 5

Expected outcome:

delete expected output

Showing loanbook - loanbook list

Shows all contacts in loanbook

Example of usage:

loanbook list

Expected outcome:

loanbook list expected outcome

Creating Contact - loanbook add

Adds a loan to your loanbook


loanbook add NAME NUMBER AMOUNT isOwe

Example of usage:

loanbook add John 98547373 9.83 true

Expected outcome:

loanbook add expected outcome

Deleting Contact - loanbook delete

Deletes a contact from loanbook


loanbook delete NAME

Example of usage:

loanbook delete John

Expected outcome:


Exiting Program - bye

Saves and closes the program

Example of usage:


Expected outcome:
